Moving a view to a host with a different architecture

Moving a view to a host with a different architecture requires all the steps needed to move a view to another host of the same architecture, and additional steps to convert the view database files to the binary format supported by the new host.

About this task

To move the view, use the following procedure.


  1. Log on to the view host.
    Log on as the view owner or privileged user.
  2. Deactivate the view.
    To keep the view inactive while it is being moved, use the cleartool chview view_tag command with the –readonly option to prevent users from updating the view database.

    cleartool chview –readonly r5_integration
    Properties: readonly

  3. Stop the view's server process.
    Use the cleartool endview view_tag command with the –server option:

    cleartool endview –server r5_integration

  4. Dump the view's database.

    cleartool reformatview –dump /net/mars/viewstg/r5_integration.vws

    This command creates files view_db.dump_file and view_db.state in the view storage directory. It also renames the view database subdirectory to db.dumped.
  5. Ensure that the view cannot be reactivated.
    Remove its tag and then unregister it. Use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or the following commands:

    cleartool rmtag –view –all r5_integration
    cleartool unregister –view /net/mars/viewstg/r5_integration.vws

    Note: This step is not necessary for a snapshot view whose view storage directory is not moved.
  6. Copy the view
    If you are moving a dynamic view, copy the entire view storage directory (but not any symbolically linked private storage) to the new location. If you are moving a snapshot view, you can move the snapshot view directory, the view storage directory, or both. The following example uses the tar utility supported on Linux and the UNIX system, to move a view storage directory to a host named venus:

    cd /viewstg

    tar –cf – r5_integration.vws | rsh venus 'cd /viewstg ; tar –xBpf –'

    Note: If you are not logged on as root, the –p option to the tar command, which preserves file and directory protections critical to the view, may be ignored. The –B option may not be needed on some platforms. See the reference pages for your operating system.
  7. Register the view at its new location and create a new view tag.
    Use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console or the following commands:

    cleartool register –view /net/venus/viewstg/v5_integration.vws
    cleartool mktag –view –tag r5_integration /net/venus/viewstg/r5_integration.vws

  8. Re-create the view database from the dump files.

    cleartool reformatview –load –tag r5_integration

  9. Change permissions on the view:

    cleartool chview –readwrite r5_integration

  10. Reactivate and test the view.
    While you are logged on as the view owner, access the view and verify the following:
    • You can check out versions and, in a dynamic view, create view-private files.
    • All view-private objects were moved.
    • No files are displayed as hijacked (snapshot views only).
  11. Update VOB references to this view.
    The view's old location is still recorded by all VOBs that the view has accessed. To update this information, go to the view check out any element from each VOB that holds such a reference. (You can cancel the checkout immediately if you prefer.)