Listing an AdminVOB hyperlink

To find out whether a VOB is part of an administrative VOB hierarchy, you can list its AdminVOB hyperlink.

About this task

To list an AdminVOB hyperlink, use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or the cleartool describe command. The describe command shows any AdminVOB hyperlink from a VOB to its superior in the administrative VOB hierarchy. The following examples show AdminVOB hyperlinks.


  • VOB \dev, whose administrative VOB is \admin_dev

    cleartool describe vob:\dev
    versioned object base "\dev"
        AdminVOB -> vob:\admin_dev

  • Administrative VOB \admin with links from two lower-level VOBs

    cleartool describe vob:\admin
    versioned object base "\admin"
        AdminVOB <- vob:\admin_dev
        AdminVOB <- vob:\admin_re

  • A VOB that is in the middle of a hierarchy (has an AdminVOB hyperlink pointing to its superior in the hierarchy and has an AdminVOB hyperlink pointing to it from a lower-level VOB)

    cleartool describe vob:\admin_dev
    versioned object base "\admin_dev"
        AdminVOB -> vob:\admin
        AdminVOB <- vob:\dev

To display the hyperlink ID, use cleartool describe –long. The hyperlink ID includes the VOB tag of the VOB in which the hyperlink was created. For example:

cleartool describe –long vob:\admin_dev
    AdminVOB@40@\admin_dev -> vob:\admin
    AdminVOB@40@\dev <- vob:\dev