Examining MVFS cache statistics

About this task

Use the cleartool getcache command to display information about MVFS cache statistics on a host. getcache -mvfs presents information about file and directory handle caches and also about attribute caches. File and directory handle cache statistics are presented in the form current-number-on-list/list-capacity and (percentage-of-list-capacity). Attribute cache statistics show each caches's size and total cache misses since the last MVFS restart. For example:

cleartool getcache -mvfs
Mnodes: (active/max)    1791/8192 (21.863%)
Mnode freelist:         1701/1800 (94.500%)
Cltxt freelist:         737/1800 (40.944%)

DNC:    Files:          848/1600 (53.000%)
        Directories:    185/400 (46.250%)
        ENOENT:         827/1600 (51.688%)

RPC handles:            4/10 (40.000%)

Current MVFS cache enable settings:
Attribute cache:                         enabled
Rddir cache:                             enabled
Close-to-open revalidation:              enabled
Name cache:                              enabled
Readlink cache:                          enabled
Root version cache:                      enabled
VOB freelist low-water mark:                1620
Cleartext freelist low-water mark:          1768
Readdir block cache size:                      4
MVFS scaling factor:                           1

Attribute cache miss summary (for tuning suggestions, see the
documentation for administering ClearCase®):
Attribute cache total misses:              49609        (100.00%)
Close-to-open (view pvt) misses:           18964        ( 38.23%)
Generation (parallel build) misses:         1179        (  2.38%)
Cache timeout misses:                        234        (  0.47%)
Cache fill (new file) misses:                  0        (  0.00%)
Event time (vob/view mod) misses:          29232        ( 58.92%)

Note: You might also need to use the mvfsstat command to determine the effectiveness of a cache before manipulating its size.