Moving a VOB between hosts that run Linux or the UNIX system and have different architectures

About this task

Use the following procedure to move a VOB to a host running Linux or the UNIX system that has a different architecture. The procedure is similar to that described in Moving a VOB between hosts that run Linux or the UNIX system and have the same architecture, but it includes the additional steps required to dump the VOB database before it is moved and then reformat it on the target host.
Note: This procedure entails use of the reformatvob command, which might update the database schema version (from schema 54 to schema 80).


  1. Log on to the source VOB server host.
    Log on as the VOB owner or privileged user.
  2. Dump the VOB database with the cleartool reformatvob –dump command.
    (This also locks the VOB.)

    cleartool reformatvob –dump /vobstore/libpub.vbs

    reformatvob –dump marks the VOB database as not valid. It cannot be used until it is processed by a reformatvob –load command.
  3. Remove all the tags for the VOB from the registry:

    cleartool rmtag –vob –tag /vobs/libpub

    If the VOB has any tags in other regions of the registry, remove them. For example:

    cleartool rmtag –vob -region windows_region –tag ‘\libpub’

  4. Copy the VOB storage directory.
    First, verify that the target location exists and is writable. Then, copy the VOB storage directory to the new host.

    cd /vobstore

    tar –cf – libpub.vbs | rsh vobsvr04 'cd /src/vobstore ; tar –xBpf –'

    Note: The –B option to the tar command might not be needed on some platforms. Also, the rsh command might have a different name, such as remsh, on some platforms. See the reference pages for your operating system.
  5. Restart DevOps Code ClearCase® on the VOB server host.
    You do not need to rename the old VOB storage directory first. It has been dumped and is no longer accessible.
  6. Log on to the new VOB server host.
    Log on as the VOB owner or privileged user.
  7. Re-create the VOB database from the dump files:

    cleartool reformatvob –load /src/vobstore/libpub.vbs

  8. Replace the VOB object and tag with new ones that reference the new VOB storage directory.
    Use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console or the following commands (this example applies to the destination on server sol):

    cleartool register –vob –replace /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs

    cleartool mktag –vob –replace –tag /vobs/libpub /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs

  9. Unlock the VOB
  10. Verify that all clients can access the VOB at the new location.