Adjusting kernel resources on Linux and the UNIX system

You might need to adjust the following kernel resources on a VOB host that runs Linux or the UNIX system:
  • Overall process table. The operating system’s process table must support 96 or more concurrent user processes. If more than three or four VOBs are to reside on the host, increase the size of the process table to at least 128.
  • Overall file descriptor table. The size of the operating system’s file descriptor table must be at least 700. If more than three or four VOBs are to reside on the host, increase the size of the file descriptor table.

You might also want to readjust kernel resources for the VOB host after DevOps Code ClearCase® has been running on the host for some time. For more information, see Improving VOB host performance. For more information about adjusting kernel resources for specific platforms that are running Linux or the UNIX system, consult your system administrator or your vendor documentation.