Example of prompts

Consider an example of the prompts to understand the semi-live reformatVOB process.

Here is an example of what the prompts look like:

[COMP-2431-1] > cleartool reformatvob -semilive /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs

This command reformats the database for the VOB to match the format expected by DevOps Code ClearCase® as installed on the local machine.

Back up the VOB before using this command. If the backups are not done properly, your data is at risk.

Reformatting takes multiple hours for large VOBs. During the reformat in the semi-live mode, the VOB is unavailable for normal use for the amount of time it takes to copy the database. Once the copy of a database is completed, the VOB is unlocked and the reformatvob occurs on the copy of the database. If the reformatvob on the copy is interrupted, you must start the reformatvob -semilive again.

If you are in doubt about the functioning of the reformat -semilive operation or how to perform VOB backups, see the documentation for administering DevOps Code ClearCase.

If the reformat processing is interrupted for any reason, clean up the db directory and start the reformatvob -semilive process again.

Reformat versioned object base "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs"?  [no] yes
Dumping database...
0 hyperlinks dumped.
0 derived objects dumped.
44 events dumped.
1 locks dumped.
Dumper done.
Dumped versioned object base "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs".
cleartool: Warning: Renamed old database directory to "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs/db.06.07".
cleartool: Warning: Please remove this database backup when you are satisfied with the reformat.
Loading database...
Dumped schema version is 55
Determining if VOB is a project VOB...
VOB is not a project VOB.
44 events loaded.
68 pass 2 actions performed.
Loader done.
Loaded versioned object base "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs".
The VOB is now unlocked.
Semilive reformat db_replay_server has been started for VOB "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs".
Semilive reformat  has been started for VOB "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs 
".  Run with -complete when ready!
Checking for VOB tag registry entry...
VOB tag registry entry found for versioned object base "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs
After the initiating phase, the db_replay_server is started for this VOB, and use the following command to check the status of the db_replay_server:
[COMP-2431-1] > cleartool reformatvob -semilive -status /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs
Semilive reformat has 376 transactions still to perform on VOB "/data/nucor_safe.vbs".
At this point, the semi-live reformatVOB process has completed the initiating stage. The administrator then completes the process as follows:
[COMP-2431-1] > cleartool reformatvob -semilive -status /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs
Semilive reformat has 376 transactions still to perform on VOB "/data/nucor_safe.vbs".
At this point, the SLRV process has completed the initiating stage.  The Admin would then complete the process as follows:

[COMP-2431-1] > cleartool reformatvob -semilive -complete /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs

Please confirm that you would like to complete the Semilive Reformat for VOB "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs"
 [no] yes
The db_replay_server for VOB /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs is already running.
Semilive reformat has 2 transactions still to perform on VOB "/vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs".
Reformatvob -semilive will now put the new database in place for VOB /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs.
Reformatvob -semilive is complete for VOB /vv_stg/vob/vob_s54.vbs.  VOB is unlocked.