Using automount with non-ClearCase access

Certain considerations apply when creating automount map entries for exported views.

After a DevOps Code ClearCase® view and VOB pair has been exported from a DevOps Code ClearCase host by using NFS, any properly authorized NFS client system can access the files in the VOB that are selected by the view. If the NFS client can mount the view and VOB pair directly with a mount command, you can also put that pair (explicitly or implicitly) into a map used by the NFS client’s automounter. Explicit entries name the exported view and VOB pair directly. Implicit entries may arise from wildcard syntax or other advanced automount features.

For example, suppose an indirect map is configured (using typical automount wildcard syntax) at /remote/viewname with a map file listing server:/view/viewname/vobs/&. When a process on the NFS client accesses a subdirectory of /remote/viewname, the automounter performs an NFS mount from the corresponding subdirectory of server:/view/viewname/vobs.
Note: Listing the directory /remote/viewname usually shows active mounts only, not all possible mounts. This is similar to the result of listing /net for a hosts map.
If this type of map does not work correctly, try running an explicit mount command; if it works properly, the problem might lie in the client automounter. For full details about automounter map syntax, see the documentation for your platform.
Note: Using the –hosts map for automount access does not work properly on hosts that also export their root directory. Suppose an NFS client host tries to access /net/cchost/view/viewname/vobs/vobpath. The automounter mounts the server’s root directory on /net/cchost, then tries to mount the view and VOB on /net/cchost/view/viewname/vobs/vobpath. However, /net/cchost/view has no subdirectories, because NFS exports do not follow local file-system mounts such as /view. This mount fails because the local client cannot find a directory on which to mount the view and VOB pair.

For more information about DevOps Code ClearCase and the automounter, see DevOps Code ClearCase and the NFS automounter.