Windows shares for VOB and view storage

On Windows platforms, VOBs and views that are accessed over the network must be created in a folder that is shared. Windows share permissions control access to shared folders, and must be configured to provide adequate rights to users of VOBs and views.

Share permissions affect only network access to shared resources. They have no effect on operations initiated locally. Default permissions for new shares vary by Windows version, so you should review them after you create the share and modify them if necessary. Note that the Storage Location Wizard and the mkstgloc command create shared folders that have the default permissions for the platform on which the storage location is created. You should review and modify the permissions on these shares after the storage location has been created, but before it is put into use.

In general, Change permissions are adequate for users who access but do not need to create VOBs or views. Full Control is required only for members of the DevOps Code ClearCase® administrators group and any other groups that need to create VOBs or views on the share.
  • VOB storage share permissions control access to pools. As shown in Table 1, anyone who needs to add an artifact to source control, create a new version of an element, or check out an existing version of an element must have permission to add or change files and directories in the share. In addition, the DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group and any other groups that need to create VOBs on the share must have Full Control of the share.
    Table 1. Required permissions for VOB storage shares
    Domain groups Required permissions for VOB storage shares
    the DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group and any other groups that need to create VOBs on the share Full Control
    The DevOps Code ClearCase users group, and any other groups that may appear on a VOBs supplemental group list Change
    If a VOB will never be accessed by a dynamic view, you can create it in a folder that is not shared.
  • View storage share permissions control network access to view-private storage (the view's .s directory). As shown in Table 2, anyone who needs to create a new version of an element, create a derived object, or check out an existing version of an element must have permission to add or change files and directories in the share. In addition, the DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group and any other groups that need to create views on the share (typically the DevOps Code ClearCase users group) must have Full Control of the share.
    Table 2. Required permissions for view storage shares
    Domain groups Required permissions for view storage shares
    DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group, DevOps Code ClearCase users group Full Control
    The DevOps Code ClearCase users group Change

For more information about Windows permissions, see technote 332093.