Overview of parallel building

DevOps Code ClearCase® can perform builds in which multiple processes execute in parallel the build scripts associated with the makefile targets.

The processes executing the build scripts run on a single host. By using more concurrent processes, parallel builds can reduce the overall build time significantly. Instead of one process running one build script at a time, you can have multiple processors working in parallel. For large software systems, this performance improvement can make a critical difference. For example, you can use parallel builds to enable a build of your entire software system to run overnight and finish before developers and testers arrive for work in the morning.

You start a parallel build the same way as a single-host build: by entering a clearmake command. A command-line option or environment variable setting causes the build to run in parallel mode.

A parallel build is controlled by specifications on the host. The host on which you enter the clearmake command is the build client or build controller. On this host, you specify a limit to the number of build scripts to be executed concurrently.

When building in parallel, clearmake starts one or more audited build executor (abe) processes. An abe is a server process invoked by clearmake to control and audit execution of a build script during a parallel build. The first time it dispatches a build script to a host, clearmake starts an abe process there. Subsequent build scripts dispatched to the same host might be executed by the same abe process or by a different one.

An abe process starts by setting the same view as the calling clearmake. It executes a build script dispatched to it in much the same way as clearmake--each command in a separate shell process.

All make macros are expanded by the build script calling clearmake, but environment variables are expanded by the shell process in which a build command runs. This environment combines the abe startup environment and the entire environment of the calling clearmake. Where there are conflicts, the abe setting prevails. To this environment other macros are added:

  • Special make macros, such as MAKEFLAGS and MAKEARGS. These are needed in case the build script invokes clearmake recursively.
  • Macros are assigned in a BOS file or on the clearmake command line. These settings are always placed in the build script's environment; they override, if necessary, settings in the environment of the calling clearmake or settings in the abe startup environment.

The stdout and stderr output produced by the build script is sent back to clearmake, which stores it in a temporary file. When the build script terminates, clearmake prints its accumulated terminal output.

abe returns the exit status of the build script to the calling clearmake, which indicates whether the build succeeded or failed. If the build succeeded, abe creates derived objects and configuration records.

Note: The abe program is started by clearmake when needed. Never run it manually.

Each abe process sets to the same view and working directory as the clearmake process; each process then executes build scripts dispatched to it from the controlling clearmake process. A build script runs under abe control as if it were executed by clearmake, except that abe collects terminal output produced by the build script and sends it back to the build controller, where it appears in your clearmake window. The abe process terminates after waiting three minutes for an initial connection or after waiting three hours for a subsequent response.