Source dependencies declared explicitly

Learn how to declare source dependencies.

The ClearCase® build auditing facility tracks only the MVFS objects used to build a target. Sometimes, however, you might want to track other objects. For example:

  • The version of a compiler that is not stored in a VOB
  • The version of the operating system kernel, which is not referenced at all during the build
  • The state of a flag-file, used to force rebuilds

You can force such objects to be recorded in the CR by declaring them as dependencies of the makefile target:

hello.obj: hello.c hello.h  my.flag
      del hello.obj
      cl /c hello.c

This example illustrates dependency declarations for these kinds of objects:

  • (hello.c, hello.h) - Dependencies on MVFS objects are optional. These are recorded by clearmake and MVFS anyway.
  • my.flag - Dependencies on view-private objects can implement a flag-file capability.