
Learn about libraries.

If a target or dependency name contains parentheses, it is assumed to be an archive (library) created by lib, or some other librarian. For example:

hello.lib : hello.lib(mod1.obj) hello.lib(mod2.obj)

The string within parentheses refers to a member (object module) within the library. The use of function names within parentheses is not supported. Thus, hello.lib(mod1.obj) refers to an archive that contains object module mod1.obj. The expression hello.lib(mod1.obj mod2.obj) is not valid.

Inference rules for archive libraries have this form:


where, sfx is the file name extension (suffix) from which the archive member is to be made.

The way in which clearmake handles incremental archive construction differs from other make variants. For more information, see Working with incremental update tools.