Ant build process overview

Ant builds are divided into discrete units.

Ant builds are divided into discrete units. An Ant project is a named collection of other units and a project might contain sub-projects. A project and a sub-project might have targets and targets, in turn, might have tasks. To build a project, Ant first builds all of its sub-projects. To build a sub-project, Ant first builds all of its targets. To build a target, Ant runs all of its tasks.

Ant supports optional plug-ins called listeners. A listener provides functions that Ant calls during a build. Ant calls a listener function for every unit of a build, just prior to starting it and again when it is completed. Listeners might be used to log and monitor the progress of a build. The CCAudits listener is used to start and stop ClearCase® audits, and to create configuration records (CRs) and derived objects (DOs).