Using device identity certificates

Enable the aunthentication checks using certain device certificates.

About this task

Connections Mobile 7.0.6 or later supports authentication checks that enforce that certain device certificates are present. This often is used by mobile device management, to enforce that your device has installed a certificate that can only be obtained if the device has been enrolled with your device management platform, but there are other use cases as well.

The Connections mobile apps must use the device browser instead of the typical embedded web browser to perform a device certificate validation. If your environment requires this check, at your Connections server, you must enable a configuration setting in mobile-config.xml named OAuthUseExternalBrowserForAuthorization.

Follow these steps to enable this setting:


  1. On the WebSphere DMgr node, find the configuration directory. For example on a linux server it would typically be something like /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/DMgr01/config/cells/bvtdb2Node01Cell/LotusConnections-config.
  2. Make a backup of the file mobile-config.xml and the file mobile-config.xsd.
  3. Edit the file mobile-config.xsd and find the element named OAuthSessionURL.
  4. Add the following line just below the element:
    <xsd:element name="OAuthUseExternalBrowserForAuthorization" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> 
  5. Save the mobile-config.xsd file.
  6. Edit the file mobile-config.xml and find the key named </SecuritySettings>.
  7. Add the following line on the line before </SecuritySettings>:
  8. Save the file.
  9. Using the WebSphere console, perform a Full Synchronization on all nodes.
  10. Restart the application server called mobile.