Configuring the LTPA cookie name

Configure the ic-auth-token-name property to allow access to Tailored Experience, Orient Me, and Customizer for Component Pack.

About this task

The default LTPA cookie name is LTPAToken2. If you changed the name of the cookie after deploying HCL Connections, you must update ic-auth-token-name with the new LTPA cookie name.


  1. Open the connections-env configmap:
    kubectl -n connections edit configmap connections-env
  2. Update ic-auth-token-name with the new LPTA cookie name:
    ic-auth-token-name: '{ "cookie": "<CustomName>", "headers": "" }'
    For example:
    ic-auth-token-name: '{ "cookie": "CustomLTPAToken2", "headers": "" }'
  3. Save the file, then restart all affected pods using the following command:
    kubectl -n connections rollout restart deployment community-template-service community-suggestions appregistry-client appregistry-service itm-services middleware-graphql orient-web-client