Adding or removing members

Extend your community by adding new members. You can add people as either members or owners.


To add new members to a community, complete the following steps.
  1. From the I'm an Owner view, select the community to which you want to add members.
  2. Click Overview > Members in the navigation pane.
  3. Click Add Members and do one or more of the following:
    • Enter the names of the people that you want to add in the Members field. If you do not see the name that you are looking for, click Person or group not listed? Use full search to search the company directory.
    • To add community owners, click the Down arrow next to Members and select Owners. Then, enter the names of the people that you want to add.
    • To add groups of people, select Groups in the Members drop-down list, and then enter the name of the group that you want to add.
      Note: Some groups in your organization's directory might contain external users. If a you add a group of this type to an internal community, external users have access to the content of that community. Also, the community will not indicate that external users have access to it. Contact your administrator to verify that any groups you add do not contain external users.
  4. To change the access role for a member, choose Edit next to the member name and choose a new role.
  5. To delete a member from a community, choose Remove next to the member name.
  6. Click Save.


The new members receive an email notification. Email notifications are not sent to groups.