Using the SharePoint Widget

Access Microsoft® SharePoint documents from within an IBM® Connections community. Documents you upload to the community from SharePoint are available to all members of the community.

About this task

Use the SharePoint widget to include SharePoint documents in your community. To access the community widget, you must have the user name and password you use to access your SharePoint server. If you do not have this information, consult your SharePoint administrator.


  1. After you add the SharePoint widget to your community, configure it by specifying the hostname for the SharePoint server, a user name and password, the type of authentication to use, and the SharePoint Document Library you want to access.
  2. To add a document, click Upload a Document and specify a file to upload and a destination folder.
  3. To create a folder, click New Folder and enter a folder name and description.
  4. To open the SharePoint server click Go to SharePoint.
  5. Click the folder menu to do any of the following:
    1. Click Open to expand the folder and view subfolders and documents.
    2. Click Upload document to and browse for a document to add to the folder.
    3. Click Edit Properties to change the folder name.
    4. Click Delete to permanently remove the folder and all of its contents.
  6. Click a document name and perform any of these operations:
    1. Click Download this document to open a document for viewing or editing. The document opens in its native application. For example, if the document is a Microsoft Word document, it opens in Microsoft Word.
    2. Click Upload new version and browse for the file to replace the document with a newer version.
    3. To change the properties of a document, such as the name, click Edit properties. Edit the properties and save the changes.
    4. Click Delete to permanently remove the file from the SharePoint widget.
  7. To create a feed of the SharePoint documents list, click Feed for SharePoints Documents List, copy the feed data, and paste it into your feed reader.