Uninstalling the IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint

Deactivate the IBM® Connections features and uninstall the plug-in to remove it from Microsoft™ SharePoint.

About this task

Follow these steps to uninstall the plug-in.


  1. To disable business card integration, remove the tags that you added to your master page:
    • Remove the tag for the IBM Connections profile user control from the header of the page:
      <%@ Register TagPrefix="Connections" tagname="ProfileScript" src="~/_controltemplates/ConnectionsProfileScript.ascx" %>
    • Remove the IBM Connections profile user control tag from the footer of the body of the master page:
      <Connections:ProfileScript ID="ConnProfileScript" runat="server"/>
  2. Deactivate the IBM Connections features.
    Deactivate the IBM Connections Tag Cloud and Search IBM Connections Profiles features from all Site Collections. For a particular site, you can deactivate the features from Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Site Collection Features. You can also deactivate features with the Disable-SPFeature command from the Management Shell. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation.
  3. Retract all IBM Connections solutions from the Microsoft SharePoint server farm.
    You must retract all IBM Connections plug-in solutions from the server farm. You can do this from the Central Administration site or from the Management Shell. Retract all ConnectionsPluginCore(<LCID>).wsp language pack solutions before you remove ConnectionsPluginCore.wsp. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for retracting solutions.
  4. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the plug-in files for installation and run Uninstall.bat.
    The uninstallation program removes all plug-in solutions and plug-in properties from the server farm. Uninstall information is logged to plugin directory\logs\uninstall-timestamp.log.