Performing a user installation

Users can install the IBM® Connections Desktop Plug-ins for Microsoft™ Windows™ following these steps.

About this task

When you install the plug-in, you can choose to install all components, or customize the installation. You must at least install the plug-in for Microsoft Windows Explorer.


  1. Download the plug-in from the IBM Connections Cloud download package or from the IBM Connections catalog at the following website:
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Double-click IBMConnectionsMSDesktop.exe to launch the installation program.
  4. If you only want the install the plug-in for Microsoft Explorer, choose not to install the Microsoft Office or Microsoft Outlook plug-ins. In the Custom Setup panel, click the icon next to Microsoft Office or Microsoft Outlook, and then click This feature will not be available to not install those plug-ins. The Microsoft Explorer plug-in is always installed.
  5. Click Finish to complete the installation.
  6. If prompted, reboot your computer.

What to do next

Connect to a server, as described in the topic Connecting to an IBM Connections or Connections Cloud site.