Getting started with file sync for IBM Connections for Mac

Use IBM Connections for Mac to keep local files in sync with copies of those files on the server.

Note: Sync capability must be enabled for your deployment in order for you to use this feature. You will know that sync is enabled if you open the Files application in the browser and see a Sync folder in the navigation bar. Adding a file to the sync folder on the server or on your desktop allows you to keep your local copy of a file in sync with the server copy so you always have the latest changes available to you. This is especially helpful if others are updating the file. You can remove a file from a sync folder without deleting the file.

When installation of the plug-in is complete, a new folder named Server-name sync is created under Favorites in the Finder window. You can add files that you have created or stored locally as well as files that others have shared with you.

IBM Connections for Mac works as follows:
  1. After successfully connecting to a server, you are notified that a folder named <Server Name> sync is added to your Finder Favorites folder.
    Note: If you connect to more than one server, you will have a sync folder for each server.
  2. Files that you add to the sync folder on your desktop are automatically copied to a corresponding sync folder on the server.
  3. Changes made to either the desktop or server copy of the file are automatically synced so that the files remain consistent.
  4. In the event that changes cannot be synced, for example if you modify a local file that is locked on the server, you are warned that your local copy might not match the server copy. You are advised to take steps to correct the problem.
After your sync folder is established, you can interact with the folder and its contents in these ways:
  • Drag and drop desktop files to/from your sync folder.
  • Save new files directly to your sync folder from a desktop application.
  • Add a file that someone has shared with you to your sync file so you will always have the latest version.
    Note: Others can sync files that you share with them so that all parties have automatic access to the latest version, making collaboration seamless.
  • Rename and delete files in your sync folder.
  • Right-click a file in the sync folder, choose IBM Connections and choose an action from the services dialog box. You can:
    • View the sync status
    • View issues if there are any
    • Open the folder's property page in the browser
    • Lock or unlock the file
    • Share the file or view sharing details about who the file is already shared with
    • View previous versions if any exist
    • Remove the file from sync folder
  • View notifications about your sync files from the Mac Notification Center. Notifications are sent when new files have been added to your local sync folder from the server, when someone else has changed a file that you have in your sync folder, and when a sync issue occurs. From a notification you can navigate to the file or open the sync dialog to resolve an issue.
Note: If your device is running OS X 10.10 or greater, icon badges will indicate the status of files (that is, synched, not synched, or in conflict) in the local sync folder. If you do not see these badges, you may need to enable them. To turn on badges, open System Preferences > Extensions and check the IBM Connections Mac Finder extension to enable the badges.