Global script example

The following global script verifies that the current user is a member of the specified group. If the user belongs to the group, the hook returns a value of True.

This example provides a general idea of how you might create a global script. For readability, the example does not include error checking. Check the return value of the Validate API to verify that it includes no errors before you commit the record to the database.


Function IsInGroup(groupname)

    ' groupName As String

    ' IsInGroup As Bool

    Set curSession = GetSession

    groupList = curSession.GetUserGroups

    IsInGroup = False

    For Each group in groupList

      If group = groupname Then

        IsInGroup = True

        Exit For

      End If


End Function


sub IsInGroup { 

    my ($groupName) = @_;

    my ($curSession,





    $curSession = $entity->GetSession();

    $groupList = $curSession->GetUserGroups();

    $isInGroup = 0;

    foreach $group (@$groupList) {

      if ($group eq $groupName) {

         $isInGroup = 1;




    return $isInGroup;
