Specifying To/CC addresses

The To/CC Addresses tab specifies who receives email notifications when the rule is evaluated as TRUE.


  1. In the EmailPlusRule record type, click the To/CC Addresses tab.
  2. In the To Addressees area, click the More push button next to one of the following to specify the primary recipients of email notifications: Fields, Groups, Internet, or Project Role.
    • In the Fields field, you can select fields from the HCL Compass record that are of the Reference to Users type .
    • In the Groups field, you to select one or more HCL Compass groups.
    • In the Internet field, you can enter Internet style addressees for recipients who are not HCL Compass users or who do not have a HCL Compass login ID.
    • In the Project Role field, you can select the project roles whose members will be notified. The Project Role field is enabled when the ProjectRoles package is installed in your schema. Otherwise, it is a read-only field.
  3. In the CC Addressees area, click the More push button next to one of the following fields to specify CC recipients of email notifications: Fields, Groups, Internet, or Project Role.
  4. Optionally, select CC Actioner to send a CC email to the person who performed the action that triggered the notification.
    Note: When the same address appears in both the To Addressees and CC Addressees lists, the address is removed from the CC Addressees list so that the addressee is notified only once.