Prepare the WebSphere Application Server environment for HCL VersionVault HCL Compass web servers

Before you install HCL VersionVaultHCL Compass web features, install a supported version of IBM® WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and Web Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere.

HCL VersionVaultHCL Compass web features are deployed on the IBM WebSphere Application Server and use IBM HTTP Server for the client to server communication. This architecture requires that you have a supported version of WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server installed before you can install HCL VersionVault HCL Compass web server components.

Note: For the HCL Compass 64-bit on Windows and Linux, the WebSphere Application Server installed must also be 64-bit. If the WebSphere Application Server is not 64-bit, an error will be reported suggesting to install the 64-bit, and the installation will be blocked.
Attention: If you are not deploying HCL VersionVaultHCL Compass web server components to support client applicationsVersionVault Explorer and HCL Compass Web client, you do not have to install IBM WebSphere Application Server components.

HCL VersionVaultHCL Compass is supported by IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server.

More information about installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server are available from these resources:
  • WebSphere Application Server documentation, V8.5