Customizing an enabled record type

You can customize record types that are enabled by the EmailPlus package. To prevent users from subscribing to notifications for an individual record, either hide or restrict access to the Subscriber List tab. If you leave the tab available and do not create a Special Interest template, user subscription is refused.

To take advantage of the change of owner notifications, locate the following line of code in the EmailPlusNotify Notification hook:

EMP_ExecuteNotification(undef, "SubscriberList");

Change the undef element to include a reference to an array of all ownership fields. For example, you can change the undef element this way:

EMP_ExecuteNotification( [ “Owner”, “Submitter” ], "SubscriberList");

If an ownership EmailPlusTemplate record type exists for the enabled record type, EmailPlus generates notifications whenever any of the listed fields change. The notifications are sent to the old owners and new owners.

Note: An email is generated even if one of the designated owner fields was blank originally or becomes blank later. Any change to any of the designated owner fields triggers the email generation if an ownership template exists for the enabled record type.
Attention: Customizations that you make will be lost when you upgrade to a later version of EmailPlus.