
A resource is a named collection of properties that exists in a repository.

Some resources, such as files, have content as well as properties. Some resources are located only on a server. Some are located solely in a client file area. A resource cannot exist in two different locations, but two resources might be so tightly linked that they give that impression. For example, a file in a file area and the corresponding file on the server are two different resources. They are related, but each has its own location, content, and properties.

A proxy object can be used to create, modify, and ultimately destroy resources. After a resource is created, and until it is destroyed, it persists in its repository between invocations of the provider that modifies it.

In the CM API, the Resource interface is the base interface for all API Resource types. An example of a resource is defects in a user database.

The API proxy interfaces form a hierarchy. The root of the hierarchy is javax.wvcm.Resource. These are some of the interfaces that extend the Resource interface:
  • StpResource extends Resource.
  • CqResource extends StpResource.
  • The stp package includes StpActivity, StpFolder, and StpRepository interfaces.
  • The cq package includes CqAction, CqAttachment, CqAttachmentFolder, CqDbSet, CqFieldDefinition, CqForm, CqGroup, CqHook, CqProjectMember, CqQuery, CqQueryFolder, CqQueryFolderItem, CqRecord, CqRecordType, CqReport, and CqUserDb interfaces.

A resource has a resource type, a unique location (in the form of a Location selector string), and a display name. Each type of resource has a unique interface by which it is accessed.