WorkspaceQueryType constants

Note: The following constants do not use the notational convention.

For VBScript, the OLEWKSPCQUERYTYPE constants identify the desired source of a query.

Constant Value Description
OLEWKSPCQUERIESNONE 0 Do not return queries.
OLEWKSPCSYSTEMQUERIES 1 Return system queries only.
OLEWKSPCUSERQUERIES 2 Return user queries only.
OLEWKSPCBOTHQUERIES 3 Return either system or user queries.

For Perl, the CQWKSPCQUERYTYPE constants identify the desired source of a query.

Constant Value Description
CQ_WKSPC_QUERIES_NONE 0 Do not return reports
CQ_WKSPC_SYSTEM_QUERIES 1 Return system reports only.
CQ_WKSPC_USER_QUERIES 2 Return user reports only.
CQ_WKSPC_BOTH_QUERIES 3 Return either system or user reports.