CompOp constants

The CompOp constants identify the valid comparison operators.

Constant Value Description
_COMP_OP_EQ 1 Equality operator (=)
_COMP_OP_NEQ 2 Inequality operator (<>)
_COMP_OP_LT 3 Less-than operator (<)
_COMP_OP_LTE 4 Less-than or Equal operator (<=)
_COMP_OP_GT 5 Greater-than operator (>)
_COMP_OP_GTE 6 Greater-than or Equal operator (>=)
_COMP_OP_LIKE 7 Like operator (value is a substring of the string in the given field)
_COMP_OP_NOT_LIKE 8 Not-like operator (value is not a substring of the string in the given field)
_COMP_OP_BETWEEN 9 Between operator (value is between the specified delimiter values)
_COMP_OP_NOT_BETWEEN 10 Not-between operator (value is not between specified delimiter values)
_COMP_OP_IS_NULL 11 Is-NULL operator (field does not contain a value)
_COMP_OP_IS_NOT_NULL 12 Is-not-NULL operator (field contains a value)
_COMP_OP_IN 13 In operator (value is in the specified set)
_COMP_OP_NOT_IN 14 Not-in operator (value is not in the specified set)