Starting the Store server Docker container by retrieving parameters from Vault

Learn about how to start Store server Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=Vault.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Store server Docker container to retrieve additional parameters from Vault.
Environment variable name Description Comments
TENANT The name of the group that contains your set of environments. For example, MyCompany. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.tenant.
ENVIRONMENT The name of the environment. For example, Non-production. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.environmentName.
ENVTYPE The environment type. Accepted values are auth and live. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.environmentType.
VAULT_TOKEN The Vault token to use to connect to Vault and request certification from Vault PKI. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.vaultToken.
VAULT_URL The Vault URL to use to connect to Vault and request certification from Vault PKI. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.vaultUrl.
LICENSE The license acceptance. You must set this value to accept in order to acknowledge the terms of the HCL Commerce licenses. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the vaules.yaml configuration file under license.
CONFIGURE_MODE The configure mode.
Accepted values are:
  • Vault for Vault configuration.
  • EnvVariables for environment variables configuration.
Set this value to Vault to use Vault configuration, and the configurations present within this reference.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.configureMode.

Mandatory Vault configuration variables

These are the mandatory Vault key values that you must specify within Vault to configure the Store server Docker container to use the Vault configuration mode.

Vault path Description Reference Environment Variable
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/adminSpiUserPwd The plain text spiuser user password.

The ADMIN_SPIUSER_PWD must be the same value as SPIUSER_PWD but kept as plain text.

To set the password in your custom Docker containers, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.


Optional Vault configuration variables

These are the optional Vault key values that you can specify within Vault to configure the Store server Docker container when used with the Vault configuration mode.

Vault path Description Reference Environment Variable
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/domainName Specify the internal service domain name. If the deployed environment is on a special namespace on Kubernetes, then the domain name should be .svc.cluster.local.

If no value is specified, then the default, default.svc.cluster.local, is used.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/txHost The Transaction server host name.

The default value is app.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/txPort The Transaction server port number.

The default value is 5443.

  • ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/searchMasterHost (For the authoring environment)
  • ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/searchSlaveHost (For the live environment)
The Search server hostname.

The value in Vault that you set depends on the environment type that you are configuring.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/searchPort The Solr-based search solution Search server port number. The default value is 3738. SEARCH_PORT
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/searchScheme The Solr-based search solution Search server scheme. The default value is https. SEARCH_SCHEME
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/crs-sslport The secure remote store page redirect port. SSLPort
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/crs-nonsslport The non-secure remote store page redirect port. NONSSLPort
The Kafka server. Works with ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS if you want to configure the container for cache validation. KAFKA_SERVERS
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/zooKeeperServers Works with KAFKA_SERVERS, if you want to configure the container for cache validation. ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaTopicPrefix KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX is used to compose the queue name for the cache invalidation. KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaAuthenticationUserId The Kafka authentication user name. KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_USERID
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaAuthenticationPassword The Kafka authentication user password. KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/traceSpecification/crs-app If you want to change the trace specification for the Search server, specify a value. TRACE_SPEC
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/healthCenterEnable/crs-app Specify a value if you want to enable Health Center.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling Health Center.
  • false for not enabling Heather Center.
The default value is false.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/threadMonitorEnable/crs-app Specify a value if you want to enable Thread Monitor.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling Thread Monitor.
  • false for not enabling Thread Monitor.
The default value is false.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/redisPasswordEncrypt The encrypted Redis password. REDIS_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT