Legend for data models

Database tables within the HCL Commerce database schema are organized into functional groups, called data models.

The referential integrity relationships between related database tables are illustrated by using the following crow's foot notation:
Image that represents a database table
Database table entity.
One and only one
One and only one. An object is related to one object and only one object.
One to many
One or many. An object can be related to one object or many objects.
Zero or One or many
Zero or one or many. An object can be related to one object, to many objects, or to no object.
Zero or one notation
Zero or one. An object can be related to one object or to no objects.
  • A solid line represents an identifying relationship. The existence of each child table object is dependent upon the parent table object. The primary key of each child table object includes the primary key of the parent table object.
    The following diagram shows an identifying foreign key relationship.
    Image that represents an identifying foreign key relationship
  • A dotted line represents a non-identifying relationship. The existence of the objects in each table in the relationship is independent of the other object. The primary key of each table does not need to include the primary key of the other table.
    The following diagram shows a non-identifying foreign key relationship.
    Image that represents a non-identifying foreign key relationship