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The com.ibm.commerce.telesales.widgets.managedComposites extension point is used to declare managed composites for use in the IBM Sales Center user interface. Managed composites encapsulate a configured composite and one or more widget managers.




The com.ibm.commerce.telesales.widgets.managedComposites extension point is used to declare managed composites for use in the IBM Sales Center user interface. Managed composites encapsulate a configured composite and one or more widget managers.

Configuration Markup:

<!ELEMENT extension ( managedComposite+)>

<!ATTLIST extension




  • point - The fully qualified identifier of the target extension point.
  • id - An optional identifier for the target extension point.
  • name - An optional name for the extension instance.

<!ELEMENT property ( value* | property*)>

<!ATTLIST property



This element is used to describe a managed composite property. The property will be available to the widget managers for their initialization.

  • name - The name of the manager composite property.
  • value - The property value. Use this attribute if the property has a single value.

<!ELEMENT managedComposite ( widgetManager* , dynamicIdBinding* , property*)>

<!ATTLIST managedComposite


compositeId CDATA #IMPLIED

referenceId CDATA #IMPLIED>

This element is used to describe managed composites.

  • id - Unique identifier for this managed composite declaration. Use this identifier to refer to this managed composite.
  • compositeId - The identifier of the configured composite declaration associated with this managed composite declaration. This composite identifier must match the id attribute of a control element defined as an extension to the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.widgets.controls extension point. The control must be constructed as a configured composite.
  • referenceId - The identifier of a managed composite declaration that this managed composite declaration should be based on. All properties and attributes will be inherited from the reference declaration. Anything defined in this definition will override the value inherited from the reference definition. All of the widget managers found in the reference declaration will be part of this definition. If the reference managed composite has not been declared in the same namespace as this managed composite declaration, then you must fully qualify the reference ID.

<!ELEMENT widgetManager EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST widgetManager


Use this element to refer to the widget managers that will manage this composite.

  • id - The identifier of a widget manager declaration associated with this managed composite declaration. This widget manager identifier must match the id attribute of a widgetManager element defined as an extension to the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.widgets.widgetManagers extension point.

<!ELEMENT dynamicIdBinding EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST dynamicIdBinding



Use instances of this element to indicate substitute identifiers that should be used while constructing this managed composite. Dynamic identifiers created as placeholders in composite definitions can be replaced with specific concrete identifiers.

  • dynamicId - The dynamic identifier.
  • concreteId - The concrete identifier that will be used to replace the dynamic identifier.

<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>

Value element. Use this element to provide a property value. This element can be used if the property represents a list.


 <extension point=
 <managedComposite id=
 <widgetManager id=
 <widgetManager id=
 <widgetManager id=

API Information:

Managed composites can be created using the managed composite factory. Refer to com.ibm.commerce.telesales.widgets.managers.ManagedCompositeFactory for more information.

Supplied Implementation:

Many of the editors, dialogs, and views provided with the IBM Sales Center editor have declared their user interface composites using the managedComposites extension point.