WCPayments plug-in exceptions

The following section describes how exceptions map between the WCPayments plug-in and WebSphere Commerce Payments, and how these exceptions map to WebSphere Commerce Payments return codes.

The Payment plug-in specification allows a payment plug-in to throw a number of exceptions under various error conditions (see the exception summary for com.ibm.commerce.payments.plugin). TheWCPayments plug-in is capable of throwing all of the exceptions listed in the exception summary, except for these exceptions:

  • PaymentInstructionBlockedException
  • TimeOutException

To indicate an error condition exists, WebSphere Commerce Payments uses primary return codes (PRC) to indicate the main error and secondary return codes (SRC) to provide additional information about the error. The responseCode value is the string of the PRC, and the reasonCode value is the string PRCxxxSRCxxx. The return codes are mapped to payment plug-in exceptions to provide information to the WebSphere Commerce Payments.

If theWCPayments plug-in receives a non-zero return code (indicating some error occurred in WebSphere Commerce Payments), the plug-in throws a specific exception and provides a reason code in the format PRCxxxSRCxxx for the payment transaction.

The following table lists the exceptions thrown by the WebSphere Commerce plug-in, with specific meanings in a WebSphere Commerce Payments context. It also lists the exceptions thrown by theWCPayments plug-in that are related to non-zero return codes received from WebSphere Commerce Payments.

Plug-in exception Description WebSphere Commerce Payments Primary Return Code
InternalErrorException An internal error occurred in theWCPayments plug-in or in WebSphere Commerce Payments.

This exception might be related to an internal error involving the database, a servlet, encryption, or the payment cassette. WebSphere Commerce Payments will not handle the transaction properly.

10, 13,14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 30, 50, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62
CommunicationException TheWCPayments plug-in could not connect to WebSphere Commerce Payments. Not applicable
FinancialException Communication with WebSphere Commerce Payments took place but some return codes were received that indicated errors.

This exception occurs when the payments cassette connects to the payment back-end system and there was a communication problem.

2, 8, 11, 12, 15, 34
InvalidPaymentInstructionException The payment instruction is not valid. For example, a credit card number is not valid. A return code was received indicating the information received from the payment instruction was not valid.

Generally thrown during an ACCEPTPAYMENT transaction.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 24, 31, 32, 54, 58
ApprovalExpiredException The payment approval has expired. TheWCPayments plug-in throws this exception when it detects that a WebSphere Commerce Payment has changed to an "expired" state. Not applicable.
InvalidDataException TheWCPayments plug-in detected an invalid parameter from the WebSphere Commerce Payments before it connected to WebSphere Commerce Payments. Not applicable.
ConfigurationException TheWCPayments plug-in found an incorrect configuration. The incorrect data exists in either the payment plug-in descriptor or payment system mapping.

This exception can indicate an authorization or authentication error.

51, 52
FunctionNotSupportedException TheWCPayments plug-in encountered a function which it does not support. This exception can be thrown when:
  • A command is used which it does not support (such as the getAvailableBalance API )
  • The payment cassette does not support the command (for example, the Cassette for BankServACH does not support the REFUND command)

The transaction will not proceed or be committed in WebSphere Commerce Payments.

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