Overriding an existing validation error message

Changing the validation message returned to the Management Center involves adding a new property to an alternative resource bundle. The alternate resource bundle declares the resource bundle that contains the customized version of existing validation messages.

About this task

To change the validation message displayed by the line of business application:


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. Identify the alternate resource bundle declared for the client object.
  3. Navigate to the LOBTools project.
  4. In the src/com.ibm.commerce.tool.client.lobtools.properties directory, open the alternate resource bundle for editing.
  5. For the reason code, add a property with the name ClientObject.REASON CODE in the property file with the new validation message. For example, CatalogGroup._ERR_CATGROUP_CREATE_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER=The specified code is already in use. Type in a new code.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Server and test the changes.
  8. Deploy your changes to your production environment.