Feature Pack 8: The Madisons store is deprecated. Most features demonstrated in the Madisons store are available in the Aurora store.


The category pages help customers navigate the store by displaying only products based on the category that is being viewed.

The left sidebar displays a full list of subcategories, where the maximum number of displayed subcategories is not limited by the number of existing subcategories. A 'Show All' link displays the full list of subcategories when the number of categories is large enough to adversely affect performance or presentation. Products are displayed with their picture, name, and price, and can be added to the shopping cart. Switching to the detailed view displays an additional short description for each item. Products can be added to the shopping cart or compare view without leaving the category page. Additional features of the category page include quick info pop ups, serving as hover help for each product, and the ability to add products to the wish list.

Elements of the Category page

Category screen capture
Full size screen capture


  • 1 CategoryFullImage is the header image retrieved according to the appropriate category.

JSP files

  • CategoriesDisplay.jsp represents the entire page.
  • SubCategoriesListDisplay.jsp displays the full list of subcategories on the left sidebar.
  • CategoryOnlyDisplay.jsp represents the area containing all four sections in the screen capture.
  • 3 CategoryOnlyResultsDisplay.jsp displays products in the category.
    • CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay.jspf, which displays a product image, its price, and Add to Cart button.
  • 4 CategoryDisplayExt.jspf represents the category display extension.

e-Marketing Spots

  • 2 CategoryPageFeaturedProducts is the Featured Products e-Marketing Spot.

Change flow options

  • AJAX shopping cart can be enabled or disabled.