Troubleshooting runtime environment issues after upgrading to Java 8

Review the following information if you encounter an errors after you migrated your environment to use IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8.

"Unable to parse EL function ${catEntry.package}" error occurs when you access the store

Sample log

[2/9/18 15:57:31:566 CST] 00000104 webapp E logServletError 
SRVE0293E: [Servlet Error]-[/Madisons/include/styles/style1/CachedLeftSidebarDisplay.jsp]: 
JSPG0228E: Exception caught while translating /Madisons/include/styles/style1/CachedLeftSidebarDisplay.jsp: error in statically included file
/Madisons/Snippets/ReusableObjects/FastFinderNavDisplay.jspf(88,5) --> JSPG0122E: Unable to parse EL function ${catEntry.package}. 


Verify that you added the custom JVM property org.apache.el.parser.SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK=true. For more information, see step 15.

"NullPointerException" error occurs when you access the store

Sample log

[3/1/18 8:48:26:945 CST] 00000159 LoggingHelper E /GenericJSPPageError.jsp - </a><Null Message>


Verify that you changed the classload mode as PARENT_LAST. For more information, see step 14.

d-buildindex fails

Sample log

Mar 15, 2018 5:17:46 AM printException(Logger, Exception)
FINER: ENTRY java.util.logging.Logger@10e05145 org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: 
/MC_3074457345616676668_CatalogEntry_Unstructured_en_US/dataimport Indexing failed
Mar 15, 2018 5:17:46 AM getLocalizedMessage(String, Object[])
Mar 15, 2018 5:17:46 AM getLocalizedMessage(String, Object[])
FINER: RETURN Data import process was unsuccessful. An unrecoverable error has occurred.
Mar 15, 2018 5:17:46 AM printException
INFO: Data import process was unsuccessful. An unrecoverable error has occurred.


Verify that you updated the classpath in the di-buildindex script. For more information, see step 17.

HTTP 500 Internal error occurs when you access WebSphere Commerce tools

Sample log (plugins_root/logs/web_server_name/http_plugin.log )

ERROR: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Nosecure transports available
ERROR: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find a transport
ERROR: ESI: getResponse: failed to get response: rc = 4
ERROR: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to handle request


Verify that you added the UseInsecure=true property. For more information, see step 10.

Out of memory Dump Event occurs when you start cluster members

Sample log

"systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"
"Failed to create a thread: retVal -1073741830, errno 11" 


For information about how to fix the issue, see Technote: Insufficient ulimit Value Causes Native OutOfMemory.

AppDeploymentException occurs when you apply an APAR on the updated instance

Sample log (WC_installdir/logs/update/actions/install/deployear_WC_instance_name.log)

[wsadmin] *** Automatic node synchronization left unmodified
[wsadmin] WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/config/deployment/scripts/deployEar.jacl"; exception information: [Root exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition]
[wsadmin] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition 


Verify that you updated the setenv script with WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS_JDK8 and -Djava.endorsed.dirs.
  • SolarisLinuxAIX
    1. Open WC_installdir/bin/ for editing.
    2. Add WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS_JDK8 variable. For example,
    3. Add -Djava.endorsed.dirs path. For example,
  • SolarisLinuxAIX
    1. Open the WC_installdir/bin/config_ant.bat file for editing.
    2. Add WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS_JDK8 variable. For example,
      SET WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS_JDK8=%WAS_HOME%/endorsed_apis;%WAS_HOME%/runtimes/endorsed
    3. Add the -Djava.endorsed.dirs path to the JAVA_HOME path. For example,
      "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Djava.endorsed.dirs=%WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS_JDK8% -Djava.util.logging.config.file="%WCS_HOME%\config\deployment\properties\" -DWAS_PLUGIN_HOME="%WAS_PLUGIN_HOME%" -DWAS_HOME="%WAS_HOME%" -DWAS_INST="%WAS_HOME%" -Dwas.ant.extra.classpath="%WAS_ANT_EXTRA_CLASSPATH%" -Dwas.install.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Duser.install.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Dwas.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Dws.ext.dirs="%WAS_EXT_DIRS%" -logger %WCCONFIG_XML_LOGGER_OPTIONS% %*if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set configFailed=true{{}}{{}}

Workspace Manager is not permitted to view workspaces

After applying JR48723 or JR59276, a Workspace Manager is unable to access workspaces due to an access control error. The following error can be seen in the WAS_installdir/logs/server_name/SystemOut.log file.

1/23/19 1:04:29:918 EST] 000000c2 WC_SERVER 3 AccManager isAllowed PASSED? =false
[1/23/19 1:04:29:919 EST] 000000c2 CommerceSrvr E AccManager isAllowed CMN1501E: User 2002 does not have the authority to perform action "GetTaskGroup.IBM_Admin_All" on resource 
"" for command "GetTaskGroup.IBM_Admin_All".

To resolve this problem, complete the JR48723 enablement steps. For more information, see Enabling interim fix JR48723.