Network Port Conflicts

BigFix WebUI is set to communicate on network ports 80 (HTTP), and 443 (HTTPS), by default. These ports can be set to any value during WebUI enablement. It is critical that the chosen ports remain open and that no other applications use them. If you notice the WebUI failing to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS on WebUI login, or other odd WebUI behavior, check for port conflicts. Use the netstat command to check your running services.

  • Linux: netstat –l
  • Windows: netstat -an

If you find a conflict there are several ways to address the problem.

  • Change where the WebUI is running. Adjust the network ports of essential WebUI services on the box. The client settings are:
    • _WebUI_HTTPS_Port (default: 443)
    • _WebUI_Redirect_Port (default: 80)
    • _WebUIAppEnv_APP_PORT (default 5000)
    • _WebUIAppEnv_APP_PORT_MIN (default 5001)
    • _WebUIAppEnv_APP_PORT_MAX (default 5999)
  • Turn off the conflicting network services. Examples of competing services include:
    • SQL Server Reporting Services (ReportServer)
    • Web Deployment Agent Service (MsDepSvc)
    • BranchCache (PeerDistSvc)
    • Sync Share Service (SyncShareSvc)
    • World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC)
    • Internet Information Server (WAS, IISADMIN)
    • SolarWinds Agent
    • Nutanix Guest

For more details on the WebUI Server settings, see Server Settings Definitions.

WebUI and Web Report Conflicts

A conflict can arise between the WebUI and BigFix Web Reports. In Platform version 9.2.4 and earlier, Web Reports defaults to port 80. As of Platform V9.2.5, Web Reports defaults to port 8080, to avoid conflict with WebUI. When upgrading an existing deployment to 9.2.5 or later, the port used for Web Reports is not changed, so it's possible to run a fully updated deployment and still encounter a port conflict.

During WebUI installation, any port conflict with Web Reports is detected and the option to change the Web Reports port is provided. For more information, see Change Communication Ports.