Site subscription

Sites are collections of Fixlet messages that are created internally by you, by HCL, or by vendors.

Subscribe to the Patches for Debian 7 site to access the Fixlet messages to patch systems in your deployment.
Note: Debian 7 site is deprecated. BigFix in turn, no longer provides content and support for products that have reached its end of support date.

You can add a site subscription by acquiring a Masthead file from a vendor or from HCL or by using the Licensing Overview Dashboard. For more information about subscribing to Fixlet sites, see the BigFix Installation Guide. For more information about sites, see the BigFix Console Operator's Guide.

After gathering the available sites, you must run the following tasks, depending on what is applicable to your deployment.
Task ID: 1 Set up Download Whitelist for Debian
This task is applicable to Windows servers.
Task ID: 2 Set up Download Whitelist for Ubuntu (Linux Server)
This task is applicable to Linux servers.

You must run the task because otherwise you might encounter the following error: The requested URL does not pass this deployment's download whitelist.

Debian uses dynamic download while fetching the packages. As a security measure, the server blocks every dynamic download request except those with URLs that match the patterns in the whitelist file. Ensure that both the endpoints and the BigFix relay are subscribed.