Customizing notification service Cipher - Linux

Learn how to add your custom Cipher in the notification service in a Linux system.

About this task

Notification service uses Cipher mechanism to encrypt or decrypt messages. If you do not want to use the default notification service Cipher, you can configure your custom cipher in the nsConfig.json file.

To add your Cipher in the nsConfig.json file in a Linux system, perform the following steps:


  1. Navigate to rh-bigfixserver/var/opt/BESServer/Applications/, where notification service is installed.
  2. If the notification service is installed, you can view the folder NotificationService. To access this folder, open terminal, enter su root, and enter system password when prompted.
  3. Enter the following commands to open nsConfig.json
    cd NotificationService/
    cd resources/
    cd config/
    vi nsConfig.json
    The content in the nsConfig.json file is displayed. Sample content in nsConfig.json file looks as follows.
    "port": 3000,
      	"bes-server-host": "WIN-UTO6DQJ75BV",
      	"bes-server-port": 52311,
      	"from": "",
      	"monitorInterval": 30000,
      	"ciphers": ""
  4. To edit the content, on your keyboard, press the letter i.
  5. By default, the value of ciphers is null. You can add your ciphers within double quotes.
    Note: Do not modify any other existing information apart from adding Cipher, which might lead to unexpected errors.
  6. Restart the notification service for the changes to take effect.


Now, you have successfully added your custom Cipher to the notification service.