Determining whether smart card support is enabled

To enable smart card support on your targets, multiple prerequisites must be met. Check which of your computers need action by using an Analysis.

About this task

To see the status of your computers, complete the following steps:


  1. Go to the BigFix® Remote Control- Virtual Smart Card Reader Driver Status analysis in the Remote Control site.
  2. Review the information in the Description tab.
  3. Review the information in the Results tab.
    If smart card support is enabled, the Driver Installed value reports the version of the driver installed, and the following properties display a YES value:
    • Trusted Publisher SHA1 Installed
    • Trusted Publisher SHA256 Installed
    • Root CA SHA1 Installed
    • Root CA SHA256 Installed
    The KB2921916 Installed and KB3033929 Installed properties can display the value YES or N/A, depending on the version of Windows operating system installed on the target.
    Note: If <error> is displayed in the KB2921916 Installed and KB3033929 Installed columns, you must ensure that you are subscribed to the Patches for Windows site. Enable the Patches for Windows site in the License Overview section of the BigFix® console.