Deploying the BigFix® Remote Control Target for macOS

Use the Deploy BigFix® Remote Control Target for macOS task to install the target software onto a macOS system.

About this task

Note: An option to select managed mode, which prompts for a server URL and a secure registration token, is not available because managed mode is not supported on the BigFix® Remote Control Target for macOS.

To install the target, complete the following steps:


  1. Within the Systems Lifecycle domain, expand Remote Control configuration > Remote Control.
  2. Expand the Deployment node.
  3. Select macOS.
  4. Select Deploy BigFix® Remote Control Target for macOS.
  5. In the Task pane, review the description and follow the instructions in the Actions box to start the task.

    select the relevant option for determining which computers to deploy the target on.
  6. In the Take Action pane on the Target tab, select the relevant option for determining the computers on which to deploy the BigFix® Remote Control Target for macOS component.
  7. Click OK.
    The summary screen shows the progress of the task and the status is set to Complete when it is finished.