Downloading by using Java Web Start

The on-demand target is installed and started automatically by using Java Web Start when the target user is using Internet Explorer and ActiveX is disabled. The target user can also select the Java Web Start installation method if the ActiveX, Firefox, or Java Applet installation methods fail.

About this task

After the target user clicks I agree on the landing page, the Java Web Start launching page is displayed.
The target user must follow the instructions on the page. If the installation process does not begin, they can also click Start on the launching page. If a prompt to run the application is displayed, they must click Run to start the installation process. If a User Account Control prompt is displayed, they must click Yes..
Note: If Java is not installed on the target computer, the user is given the option to download and save the JNLP file. However, the system is unable to run the file.

If the Enable user acceptance for incoming connections policy is enabled for the session, the target user is asked to accept or refuse the session. If they select Refuse, or do not accept in time, the session does not start. If the target user selects Accept, the session starts. Any errors during the installation are displayed and the session does not start. Errors are written also to a log file.