Enabling secure target registration after you install the server

You can enable the secure target registration feature after you install the server by editing properties in the trc.properties file.

About this task

To enable the secure registration feature after you install the server, complete the following steps.

  1. In the server UI select Admin > Edit properties file.
  2. Select trc.properties from the list.
  3. Set rc.enforce.secure.registration to true.

    Ensure that the enforce.secure.endpoint.callhome and enforce.secure.endpoint.upload properties are also set to true.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Admin > Reset Application.
You can also manually edit the properties files and set the property to true. Restart the server after you edit the file. The properties files are in the following directories:
Windows® systems


Where installdir is the directory that the BigFix® Remote Control Server is installed. For example,

C:\Program Files\IBM\Tivoli\TRC\server\wlp\usr\servers\trcserver
Linux® systems


Where installdir is the directory that the BigFix® Remote Control Server is installed. For example,