Extracting the certificate from the keystore

When using strict certificate verification, the certificate needs to be extracted from the keystore before being uploaded to the BigFix® Remote Control server.

About this task

To extract the certificate complete the following steps


  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the BigFix® Remote Control installation directory if you have a remote control server installed with embedded components or the WAS installation directory if you have installed a stand alone remote control server.
  3. Change to the bin directory.
  4. Run the ikeyman file relevant to your operating system.
    Windows systems
    Linux systems
  5. Select Key Database File > Open
  6. Select PKCS12 for Key database type.
  7. Click Browse, navigate to and select the required .p12 file.
  8. Click Open then OK.
  9. Enter the password for the file and click OK.
  10. For Key database content select Personal Certificates.
  11. Select the required certificate.
  12. Click Extract Certificate.
  13. Use the default Data type Base64-encoded ASCII data.
  14. Enter a file name and location for saving the certificate file to.
  15. Click OK.


The certificate file, with extension .arm, will be extracted to the chosen location.

What to do next

After you have extracted the certificate from the keystore you should add it to the trust store on the remote control server. For more details, see Adding a certificate to the truststore.