Unlocking user accounts

About this task

When a user logs on to BigFix® Remote Control with an incorrect password, their user account is locked if the number of failed logon attempts is exceeded. The limit is determined by the value that is assigned to the account.lockout property in the trc.properties file. For more information about the property, see trc.properties. After the user account is locked, you can unlock the account by using the Unlock locked userid function.

To unlock the user account for one or more users, complete the following steps:


  1. Choose the appropriate method for selecting the users.
    1. To unlock users by using the search utility.
      1. Click Users > Search.
      2. The Search User screen is displayed
      3. Enter the user information in the input field. For the quickest search, type the users's email address in the Search Users field. You can also type all or part of the name or any other detail that is known.
      4. Click Submit.
      5) Select the users.
    2. To select the user by using the All User report.
      • Click Users > All users
      • Select the user.
  2. Select Unlock locked userid from the Actions list on the left.


The selected users are unlocked and they are able to log on.