Define when membership rules are applied

If you create rules to determine a target's group membership, configure the properties in the file before you allow the targets to register with the server. Do this to ensure that the group membership is correctly assigned. You can configure the properties to assign targets to groups at registration time only, or to completely manage the target membership based on the defined rules. The following properties can be configured to determine when the target membership rules are applied.
Determines whether the target membership rules are applied to any new targets when they first contact the BigFix® Remote Controlserver. Default value is Yes.
Whenever a target first contacts the server its computer name and IP address is checked against any defined rules. If matches are found, the target is assigned to the target groups associated with the rules.
Whenever a new target first contacts the server its computer name and IP address are not checked against any defined rules. You can manually assign a target to a group after it registers with the server.
Determines whether the target membership rules are applied every time that a target contacts the BigFix® Remote Control server. Default value is No.
Each time a target contacts the server its computer name and IP address are checked against any defined rules. If matches are found, the target is assigned to the target groups associated with the rules. The target's group membership is recalculated each time that it contacts the server to incorporate any changes that were made to the target rules since the last time it contacted the server.
Each time a target contacts the server its computer name and IP address are not checked against any defined rules.
Determines whether the target membership rules are applied any time that a target contacts the BigFix® Remote Control server due to a change in its computer name or IP address or if the target comes online. Default value is Yes.
Each time a target contacts the server due to a change in its configuration, or when it comes online, its computer name and IP address are checked against any defined rules. If matches are found, the target is assigned to the target groups associated with the rules.
When a target contacts the server due to a change in its configuration, or when it comes online, its computer name and IP address are not checked against any defined rules.
Determines whether the target group membership is immediately recalculated for any targets that are affected by an addition, deletion, or change to a rule. When this property is enabled, any targets whose group membership was assigned by using rules have their group membership recalculated to incorporate the rule change. Default value is Yes.
Each time that you add, or delete a rule, or change a rule, the target group membership, for all targets whose group membership was assigned by using rules, is recalculated. The group membership of any target whose computer name or IP address matches the changed rule, is changed to reflect the change in the rule.

For example:

A rule1 assigns targets with a computer name that starts with test% to the target group testtargets. Target test1 contacts the server and is assigned to target group testtargets. Edit rule1 and change the computer name condition to a name that starts with admin%. The group membership for target test1 is recalculated. It is no longer a member of testtargets as it does not satisfy the new condition. Its computer name does not begin with admin.

The addition, deletion, or change to a rule does not affect the target group membership of any targets whose group membership was assigned by using rules.
Note: The next time one of these targets contacts the server, their group membership is recalculated if = Yes, or =Yes and the following conditions are satisfied.
  • Their computer name or IP address satisfies the new rule
  • They are effected by the rule that was deleted
  • They do not satisfy the updated rule
Note: The group membership of targets that are manually assigned to target groups is not modified by target rules.
For example : 
If an administrator assigns target1 to target group T1 by using 
the Manage Group Membership function, it remains a member of 
T1 until it is manually removed from the target group or until
 the group is deleted.