Set non-binary policies

The non-binary policies work differently from the binary policies. You must enter a value for the policy.

  • Denied Program Execution List
  • Inactivity timeout
  • Pre Script Fail Operation
  • Acceptance Timeout Action
  • Acceptance Grace Time
  • Allow File Transfer in Session
  • If there are multiple permission links that have different values for the non-binary policies, the final set of policies inherit one of the values, but it is not defined which one.
  • If a non-binary policy is not enabled in any permissions links in the group hierarchy, the default value that is defined in the file is assigned. For more information about the properties file, see
    Note: If non-binary policies are enabled in the group hierarchy but no values are assigned to them, the values that are defined in are not assigned. Therefore, if you enable a non-binary policy you must also assign a value to it.