Sample LDAP Configuration File

The file is a sample configuration file. It uses a simple connection to Active Directory with importing of Active Directory groups

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# LDAP Properties

# Server Authentication definition

# The directory URL used to establish an LDAP connection


# define the secondary LDAP server name, if the primary is down we can use an alternative LDAP server


# The username used to authenticate a read-only LDAP connection. If left not set, an anonymous connection is made.

# The password used to establish a read-only LDAP connection.


# Instructs Remote Control to read the value of the password parameter as encrypted ( true) or plain text ( false). See Admin guide for instructions on generating encrypted password


# The fully qualified Java class name of the JNDI context factory to be used for

# this connection. If left unset, the default JNDI LDAP provider class is used.

# --- -ldap.contextFactory=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

# ##################### SASL Definition ##########################################

# specifying the security level to use. Its value is one of the following strings: "simple" or "DIGEST-MD5".

# . If using SSL, you have to use simple.


#Identifies the realm or domain from which the connection name should be chosen

# ---- ldap.connectionRealm=

#Quality of protection

# QOP can be one of: auth, auth-int, auth-conf

# auth -- Authentication only

# auth-int --Authentication and integrity checking by using signatures

# auth-conf -- (SASL only) Authentication, integrity and confidentiality checking

# by using signatures and encryption.

# ----ldap.connectionQop=auth

# Number indicating the size of the largest buffer the server is able to receive when

# using "auth-int" or "auth-conf". The default is 65536.

# ldap.connectionMaxbuf=16384

# Strength can be one of: low,medium,high

# ----ldap.connectionStrength=high

# ########################### SSL Definition ##########################################

# specifying the security protocol to use. Its value is a string determined by

# the service provider (for example: "ssl"). If this property is unspecified, the behaviour

# is determined by the service provider.

# ----ldap.security_protocol=ssl

# Access the keystore, this is where the Root CA public key cert was installed

# No need to specify the keystore password for read operations

# ----ldap.ssl_keyStore=PathOfKeyStoreFile

# ----ldap.ssl_keyStorePassword=KeystorePassword

# specifying how referrals encountered by the service provider are to be processed.

# The value of the property is one of the following strings:

# "follow" -- follow referrals automatically

# "ignore" -- ignore referrals

# "throw" -- throw ReferralException when a referral is encountered.

# If this property is not specified, the default is determined by the provider.

# ----ldap.referrals=follow

# ########################## define Group search for LDAP ########################

# The base LDAP directory entry for looking up group information. If left unspecified,

# the default is to use the top-level element in the directory context.



#The LDAP filter expression used for performing group searches.

ldap.groupSearch=(&(objectClass=group) (name=TRC*))

# Set to true if you want to recursively search the subtree of the element specified in

# the groupBase attribute for groups associated with a user. If left unspecified, the default

# value of false causes only the top level to be searched (a nonrecursive search).


#The LDAP attribute that we should use for group names.


#The LDAP attribute that we should use for group descriptions


# This is the attribute specifying user members within a group


# ########################## User search definition ########################

#The base of the subtree containing users

#If not specified, the search base is the top-level context.

ldap.userBase=OU=Users,OU=mylocation,DC=mydomain,DC=mycompany, DC=com

# The LDAP filter expression to use when searching for a user's directory entry, with {0} marking

# where the actual username is inserted.


# Set this value to true if you want to recursively search the subtree of the element specified by

# the userBase attribute for the user's directory entry. The default value of false causes only the

# top level to be searched (a nonrecursive search).


#Set this value to true if a user has to be a member of the groups found in the group search


# Digest algorithm (SHA, MD2, or MD5 only)

# Remote control will use it to encrypt the user input password and

# compare it with password it receives from the LDAP server. If left unspecified, the default value is "cleartext".

# ---- ldap.digest=SHA

#LDAP attribute used for userids


# LDAP User password attribute


# LDAP Attribute containing the Users Email address


# If the following parameters are defined they are mapped into the local remote control database








#### Other property definitions

#Set this value to the page size of LDAP search retrievals (default=500).

# Do not set this to anything greater than the max page size for the LDAP server ( for example, AD has a limit of 1000)