Enabling HTTP access

During a new server installation, the option to use HTTPS in target to server communication is selected by default. You can also enable HTTP communication.

About this task

To use HTTP, in target to server communication complete one of the following steps.
  • When you are using the server installer program, clear the Force targets to use https option.
  • When you are installing the server by deploying the trc.war file in WebSphere® Application Server, the following properties in the trc.properties file must be modified after the installation:
    • Set the url property to the HTTP URL.
    • Set enforce.secure.endpoint.callhome to false.
    • Set enforce.secure.endpoint.upload to false.
Additionally, to enable HTTP logon and access to the web portal, complete the following steps:


  1. After the server installation, edit the trc.properties file.
    1. In the server UI click Admin > Edit properties file.
    2. Select trc.properties.
    3. Set enforce.secure.web.access,enforce.secure.weblogon, and enforce.secure.alllogon to false.
    4. Click Submit.
  2. Edit the following file, where [INSTALLDIR] is the BigFix® Remote Control server installation directory.
    Windows systems
    Linux systems
  3. Set <httpSession cookieSecure="false"/> and save the file.
  4. Click Admin > Reset Application.