Preparing installation files for disconnected scans

Available from 9.2.7. After you added the data source, prepare the installation package with the scanner and the configuration files that will be used to initiate scans, and move it to the disconnected system. The software scan also requires the software catalog. You can download the catalog from the BigFix Inventory server.


  1. Download the scanner.
    1. Log in to the BigFix console.
    2. In the navigation bar, click Sites > External Sites > BigFix Inventory v9 > Fixlets and Tasks.
    3. In the upper right pane, select Download the Disconnected Scanner Package (version).
    4. To run the task, click Take Action. Choose the disconnected scanner package for the appropriate platform from the drop-down menu.
  2. Download the software catalog.
    1. Log in to BigFix Inventory, and go to Management > Data Sources.
    2. Select your disconnected data source.
    3. Download the catalog for the appropriate platform.
  3. Prepare the content of the disconnected scanner directory.
    1. Unpack the disconnected scanner package on the computer from which you intend to transfer the scanner to your endpoints.
    2. Open the config directory in the unpacked package.
    3. Place the catalog file CIT_catalog_PLATFORM.xml in the config directory.
  4. Optional: If any modifications are required, customize the configuration files before distributing them to endpoints in your environment. Then, you do not need to configure each endpoint individually. You can change the default configuration; for example, limit the processor utilization, or specify the directories that need to be excluded from being scanned. For more information, see: Troubleshooting the discovery by disconnected scanner.
    Note: Solaris The fs_config.xml file contains the list of collected file extensions under the FileMask parameter. If it is required, you can narrow down this list by removing the unwanted extensions from the file. For other supported systems, the list of extensions is configured automatically based on the software catalog.
  5. Upload the whole content of the disconnected scanner package to the endpoints. Do not change file names.
    Note: After you install the scanner on endpoints, the scanner installation path cannot be changed. The installation path is a location where you upload the installation files. To change the installation path, back up the configuration files, scan results and logs. Then, uninstall the scanner, move the files to a different directory, and then install the scanner in a new location.

    Linux HP-UX The installation path should not contain any white space characters.

    Solaris The installation path should be short, and should not contain any special characters or spaces.

    Windows The name of the directory where the installation files are copied cannot contain any special or national characters. Spaces are allowed. The entire path cannot exceed the total of 99 characters.

What to do next

Install the scanner and gather initial data.