Compatibility with NT domains

The information contained in this topic allows your user ID to login to Web Reports with the role assigned if:
  • The user ID is defined on both the NT domain and the Active Directory.
  • The name of the domain used for NT authentication is different from the name of the domain specified in Active Directory.
  • You integrated the Active Directory with the Web Reports in your BigFix environment.
If all the conditions are true, run the following configuration steps on the system where the Web Reports component is installed:
On Windows systems:
  1. Open the registry.
  2. Select:
    HKLM -> Software -> Wow6432Node -> BigFix -> Enterprise Server -> BESReports
  3. Specify the file converter as follows:
    NTDomainFilePath = FullPathConversionFile
    where FullPathConversionFile is the path name to a file containing a row for each domain name conversion that must be applied to the domain names, for example:
  4. Restart the Web Reports service.
On Linux systems:
  1. In the configuration file /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer/beswebreports.config, specify under [Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports] the file converter:
    NTDomainFilePath = FullPathConversionFile
    where FullPathConversionFile is the path name to a file containing a row for each domain name conversion that must be applied to the domain names, for example:
  2. Restart the Web Reports process.
After you complete these steps, the user can log in using the NT domain credentials, for example, and successfully access the Web Reports.