Logging PDF generation on Linux systems

To gather and review the output from the call to wkhtmltopdf, redirect the stdout and stderr from wkhtmltopdf to a file. Before doing the redirection, ensure that you enabled logging for Web Reports as it is explained in Logging Web Reports.

Run these steps to do the redirection:
  1. Make a backup copy of the script /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer/BESReportsData/BESExe/wkhtmltopdf.sh
  2. Update the script by changing the following line:
    --enable-plugins --use-xserver --javascript-delay 5000          
    --no-stop-slow-scripts $optionalparms $arg1 $arg2
    as follows:
    --enable-plugins --use-xserver --javascript-delay 5000          
    --no-stop-slow-scripts $optionalparms $arg1 $arg2               
    1>/tmp/pdfout.txt 2>&1
    By doing so you redirect the stdout and stderr from wkhtmltopdf to the /tmp/pdfout.txt file.