Viewing and Deleting Site Files

After adding files to a site as described in Adding Files to Sites, you can view or delete these files. The site files you created can be selected directly from the Domain tree:

  1. Open the site of interest in the domain tree.
  2. Click the Files node. The List Panel displays the files of interest. Click one to display it in the work area below.

    This window displays the files of interest in the List Panel.
  3. The column headers in this list include:
    • Name: The name of your site file
    • Size: The size of the file
    • Date imported: The date that the file was imported to the site
    • Client file: Whether the file is downloaded by clients subscribed to the site
  4. Click any file in this list to display informational details and a preview.
  5. Click Remove from site if you want to delete this file from the site. Alternatively, you can select Edit > Remove. The same permissions used to add files are required to delete them.